It was so much fun going to the zoo! It was so fun to see Shanté get excited when she saw one of the animals! She would try to reach out and touch them! It was so fun having Jordan's family go with us too! I love that Shanté is getting older and we can do fun activities with her! There are a lot of pictures in this post and they aren't in order!


Oh don't worry he will get the booger!

Riding the train!

So much fun!

How cute!!

I just can't get enough of them! I could have stayed there all day!!

Nice face papa!!!

She is so big!

Getting ready to go into the zoo!

She loved the carousel!

Shanté loves the giraffe, giving it kisses!!

I loves the giraffe!

Riding the carousel! Of course we rode the Giraffe!

Loves My Family!
After the zoo I went to dinner with my Blackham girl cousins and Aunts! Grandma Blackham was there too. We went to eat dinner at PF Changs and it was so much fun. I love it when we can all get together and catch up! I was able to take Shanté with me and she was so fun and she loved to play with Angie. I love that I'm surrounded by so much family and that we can get together more often. I wish my sisters could have been there, it was so much fun!