Friday, May 14, 2010

10 Year Reunion

Ok so it looks like I'm stepping up and helping Kelly with our 10 year reunion! She is so busy and so I offered to help plan it! I'm going to be putting together a slide show to show at the dinner we are planning but I don't have all the HS pics I would need so anyone who would like to email me some pics that would help out a ton! Our reunion is going to be the weekend of September 24th!! I am open to any suggestions for it! Email me all the pics you have!!!! Thanks!!!

Please all email me your address's! If you are in contact with anyone from our class that isn't on facebook, or myspace please tell them to email me there address! Thank you so much! I can't wait to see everyone!!!


The Richards said...

wow ruthie good for you and good for you for keeping up with everyone, you have my email address but i can tell you right now, it's not my cup of tea(or cup of dr. pepper) but i do love you! what kind of pictures are you looking for i have tons from graduation email me,

Sherri Romney said...

Ruthy did you get Jakes email from Jessica last night? We sent it to her and I guess she was getting it for you. LOVE your blog! The reunion sounds like fun!

Erin said...

Looks like I'll be planning Jace's 10 year reunion cause we all know he's not about to do it!! So I might be picking your brain here and there, if that's ok. I'm already a follower of your reunion blog. Hope everything goes great!