Monday, January 10, 2011

Potty Training

We are getting so close for Shanté to be potty trained! She always tells us she has to poop so I put her on the toilet and she won't go. As soon as she gets off and I put a diaper on her she goes. We got her some big girl panties for Christmas and she loves to wear them so hopefully it will be any day now that she will be poopin in the toilet!


I told her she could have a cookie if she pooped in the toilet and she didn't want to wait till she was done so she is eating it while trying to poop! LOL!

She got a toy camera and she was taking my picture while I was taking hers! Hehe!

She didn't like it when I put them on her head!


Mindy said...

She's gonna hate you when she grow up. A potty pic. That's a chair moment. Love you. Mindy

Unknown said...

try the towel potty training method.

Nathan said...

I was a very silly boy at his age. I used to dance and perform Disney songs on the coffee table and my parents loved it! There's so much joy in youth. Hope this kid had a nicer Kindergarten teacher than me.

Nathan said...

I was easy to potty train, but not my brother Hunter. Lol